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Backyard mushroom kit
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    Backyard Mushroom Kit


    You can grow fresh, gourmet mushrooms right in your own backyard!


    Grifola frondosa, also known as Maitake, Hen of the Woods, and Sheep’s Head, grows naturally here in Michigan and elsewhere, and is considered a choice edible and medicinal mushroom. Now you can grow them in your garden or backyard with my prepared kit.


    The kit is prepared on a Northern Red Oak log harvested right here on my farm. To ensure a good start for your mushrooms, I have prepared the log and have grown the mycelium on the log over the winter, indoors, at my farm. Each log has been thoroughly sterilized by pressure cooking, recognized as the preferred method, maintained in a specialized sterilized bag, and fully inoculated with certified organic mycelium.


    Each kit is expected to start to produce this fall, and then annually for seven or more years. One log will provide years of fresh mushrooms for you to enjoy. Right now, the going rate for Grifola frondosa from a super market is $20.00 plus per pound. One flush of Grifola Frondosa can easily weight 5 to ten pounds, measuring more than 16 inches across.


    Once it is ready to harvest you can add it to any dish that you usually enjoy mushrooms in. My favorite way is fresh, pan fried with butter, salt, pepper and onions. My second favorite way is pickled which is great to have as a side, on a burger or in a salad. This mushroom is also famous for returning to it’s initial meaty but tender texture upon re-hydrating, so it is very popular for dehydrating.


    To plant the log; Simply dig a hole approximately 12 inches deep in a mostly shaded location, and bury your log cut end up. The top end of the log should end up covered with 1 inch of soil. Mark the spot so you know where to watch for your mushroom. After the initial planting, water lightly to moisten the soil. After that, there is very little maintenance involved, although you may want to water in periods of extended dry weather.

    * Shipping is available for an extra charge. Shipping will be calculated upon request. *

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Backyard mushroom kit

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